Meet our host for WordCamp Bucharest

Hello dear friends. It’s our great pleasure to introduce you our host for this year. Marius is an entrepreneur, the organizer, and host of the Bucharest WordPress Meetup, and a dear friend of us.

Let’s get to know him a little bit more.

  • When and how did you start working with WordPress?

I started using WordPress back in 2007 when I started blogging about entrepreneurship. Fast forward to 2014, I was freelancing and helping my first clients build their WordPress websites. In 2015 I scaled up the freelancing activity, and now I’m running a ten people agency called

  • What should we expect from WordCamp Bucharest 2018?

WordCamp Bucharest is getting better with every year. The organizing team is getting more experienced and hence the quality of the event is higher; the word is spreading and we have more and more solid speakers; the talks and the presentations are getting more consistent. So we should expect an even better and more engaging event in 2018.

  • Why do you recommend learning to use WordPress?

WordPress has a low entry barrier for both businesses as well as technical people. You can build a pretty decent website and make money with it with under $200 investment. When the business is taking off, and you can afford professional technical assistance, you can find thousands of WordPress experts available to help.

  • What do you like to do when you’re not WordPress-ing?

When I’m not riding on WordPress 🙂 I love to ride my bike with my two kids and to spend time with my family. Besides, I like to read and listen to books; I practice Vipassana meditation and love to go on a hiking tour through the Carpathian mountains.

  • Few words for the WordPress Bucharest community

The Bucharest WordPress community has grown from zero to 1200+ members in less than four years. Our community focuses on personal growth, on knowledge sharing, on business and on helping each other be better. Our mantra is “Pay it forward” and therefore, the “Ask the community” meeting format is super trendy. In such a meeting the members can ask any WordPress related question and get help on the spot. With over 40 monthly meetups and 3 WordCamps up so far, our community is one of the largest IT meetups in Bucharest.

Get your ticket today to meet Marius and all the great speakers at the largest WordPress event in Bucharest.