Get to know George Gkouvousis, speaker

Hello and welcome! Today we want to present to you our newest friend George, who will join us for WordCamp Bucharest in less than a month, talking about “Setting up the ideal web server for WordPress: from zero to hero!“.

  • When and how did you start working with WordPress?

I remember myself navigating through a horizontal dashboard menu with 1kb stylesheet file. Tested a few CMS and ended up with WordPress, which fit perfect, a project’s needs.
That was it. Could see it coming, overriding Joomla and other popular ones, ending up today in powering 30% of the internet!

  • Why did you choose this topic for your presentation?

I felt like explaining the key points of having a fast WordPress web server that runs WordPress CMS, because it used to be a pain for me as well, during my first years. Been there, done that, so I felt like sharing it.

  • What will we learn from your presentation?

You will be able to identify the bigger pains of a WordPress website when it comes to performance and will learn how to apply extra performance boost at your WordPress web server.

  • What do you like to do when you’re not WordPress-ing?

Helping others WordPress-ing 🙂

  • Few words for the WordPress Bucharest community

Haven’t met the local community in the past, so I’m more than happy for my upcoming visit. Looking forward to enjoying the technology event of the year 🙂

Want to meet George? Get your ticket now and meet us on October 27 – 28th.

Check out the other interviews in the series dedicated to our speakers.