Marius Vetrici

Marius Vetrici

1383230_10201276609611955_1092688161_nFirst, we have Marius Vetrici. If you attended at least one Bucharest WordPress Meetup in the past, chances are you already know him. Marius is the host and co-organizer of the Bucharest WordPress Meetup and a happy WordPress community supporter. He also holds a PhD in business informatics and, as a software entrepreneur, has served more than 800 small and large companies to achieve their online business goals during the last 13 years.

Marius fell in love with WordPress back in 2006 when he started his first blog about entrepreneurship. Later on he founded WPRiders, a technical WordPress agency with a focus on customer’s business goals. After launching different products for both local as well as the international market, Marius’ agency is now providing WordPress services for worldwide clients. At WordCamp Bucharest, he will be speaking about Moving from software products to WordPress services, where he will share some lessons learned from his past experiences.


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