The logo of the ThemeIsle sponsor

Media Partner: ThemeIsle

ThemeIsle is an online shop, specialized in delivering quality and user-friendly WordPress themes and plugins. They are known for creating two of the most popular free themes in the WordPress official repository. Maybe Zerif (now Zelle) and Hestia will ring a bell.

Their plugins are currently active on more than 1 million websites from all around the world – Orbit Fox and Revive Old Post being the most downloaded of them all.

But ThemeIsle team is not only sticking to coding themes and plugins. They are trying to stay involved in the community as much as possible by organizing, volunteering, media partnering, and sponsoring various WordCamps and meetups.

Moreover, ThemeIsle has a blog that is updated daily with new WordPress guides and resources (from technical advice to marketing and business tips) for both beginner and advanced users. The blog gets around 15k pageviews every day.