Remkus de Vries
Remkus de Vries Fryslân, Netherlands
Remkus is an enthusiastic WordPress aficionado from Fryslân, The Netherlands. Back in 2006 he founded his WordPress specialist company Forsite Media and a few years later WP ServicePoint. He’s been the Dutch admin for WordPress and has been the lead-organizer of WordCamp Netherlands as well as one of the co-founders and organizers of WordCamp Europe. During his presentation, he will walk the audience through to his long list of things he checks before making a decision about even wanting to try a plugin.
Presentation title:
How To Know For Sure You Can Trust A Plugin
Ulrich Pogson
Ulrich Pogson, Steffisburg, Switzerland
Ulrich is a dedicated WordPress contributor, especially as a Key Code Reviewer for the Theme Review Team. He started the WordPress Meetup in Bern @WPBern and has his own multilingual e-commerce store @WPZOO selling WordPress themes and plugins. Currently employed by required. In his presentation, Ulrich will be showing how you can improve your code by using automated tools and what the positive effects of it are. Doing manual code reviews is boring and people keep on making the same mistakes but using automation these issues can be resolved.
Presentation title:
Improve code through automation
Liviu Taloi
Liviu Taloi, Bucharest, Romania
Senior Consultant in e-commerce, usability, analytics, conversion rate optimization and online marketing @ECOMpedia, Liviu will talk about the efficiency of online marketing campaigns. Participating in this presentation will allow you to understand how to increase your numbers in Google Analytics and make your business successful online. You will learn how to measure the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns and thus secure your return on investment.
Presentation title:
Equation of Online Success
Mircea Tihu
Mircea Tihu, Timisoara, Romania
Mircea has been working with WordPress for the past 6 years and is Dream Production‘s Lead WordPress developer. In his spare time he plays bass guitar for Marion Kräutner. Mircea will present a way to significantly reduce the time spent by the back-end devs on a project by transferring their workload to site builders and front-end developers. He will use the Timber framework to develop themes with a Model-View-Controller approach, where the Model is the database, the Controller is the template’s php file and the View is the template’s twig file. Using the ACF plugin, a site builder or directly defined fields needed in certain contexts which are then automatically exported to the twig context variable. Front-end devs can simply use them from the twig context variable while the back-end devs don’t need to write additional queries since needed data is automatically available.
Presentation title:
An MVC approach to WordPress theme development
Alex Denning
Alex Denning does marketing for people who don’t like marketing. Alex helps WordPress companies with their products, trainings and services, solving the marketing problem they don’t want to deal with.
Alex’ will be reckoning “A Tale Of Two WordPress Product Launches“.
Ivana Cirkovic
Ivana Cirkovic, Belgrade, Serbia
Ivana Cirkovic is a digital marketing consultant with over 10 years of experience. Working with clients on managing their internet and Social Media presence, providing services of creating and implementing Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, copywriting and Social Media consulting. An active member of local WordPress community and a part of the organizing team of WordCamp Europe 2018. Whether you’re a developer, theme maker, content writer or a startup, having a digital strategy is one of the most important things that can help you progress and succeed more. Just what is digital strategy, why you need it, how to make it and interpret it? The answers to these questions you’ll find in Ivana’s talk on Digital Strategy 101. Come join her and learn how you can use powerful digital tools to your advantage.
Presentation title:
Importance of having a Digital Strategy for your business
Valentin Vesa
Valentin is the Social Media Specialist at Sucuri. He is very passionate about technology and online marketing. Some of his interests include CMS hardening and tech writing. He loves to play ping-pong, go swimming, and spend quality time with his family. Follow him on Twitter at @adspedia.
The topic of Val’s presentation is “Life after being hacked“.
Vassilena Valchanova
Vassilena Valchanova is from Sofia, Bulgaria.
Vassilena has 10 years of experience in marketing and communications. She currently works for Enhancv, a startup helping people land their dream job with human-centric resumes. She has been blogging for more than a decade and authors a blog on marketing, digital strategy and growth Her expertise covers marketing strategy, content marketing and measurement, with experience in a variety of industries, including consumer electronics, e-commerce and SaaS.
Presentation title:
Setting up your growth experiments team – lessons from a failed attempt
Cristian Antohe
Cristian Antohe is from Timisoara, Romania.
“I’m a WordPress developer for over 8 years and co-founder of where I’ve contributed to plugins like Profile Builder and WordPress Creation Kit. I like to share my knowledge in writing over at, and I also help curate”
Presentation title:
WordPress in More Languages
Vineet Talwar
Vineet Talwar, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Vineet found his love for WordPress after he was introduced to it by a friend. This led him to develop numerous websites and making him want to crave for more to learn in WordPress. He has been associated with WordPress since 2012. He co-founded his first company at the age of 20. Vineet is Co-Founder and Technical Lead of FireMud FM – The Online Radio Station based purely out of WordPress and Indicium Crest – A remote web – development agency which is, again focused on WordPress. Now handing both the companies on technical front, his love for WordPress has just grown if nothing else. He has worked with over 50 projects remotely managing and developing them. He has also been associated with various ventures consulting and guiding them with technical resources and is currently located in Frankfurt, Germany.
Apart from developing the websites, he is a hobbyist photographer.
Presentation title:
How to effectively utilize services of Amazon Cloud to boost performance of your WordPress Website
Ionut Neagu
Ivelina Dimova
Ivelina Dimova is from Sofia, Bulgaria.
“WordPress developer working at CrowdFavorite where we create web solutions for big enterprise companies. I am more focused on back-end development and passionate about version control systems, deployment and server administration tools.
Personally some of my interests are yoga, travelling and photography, I am always excited to travel around the world to visit WordCamps, learn new things and spend time with the awesome people at the community.”
Presentation title:
The Magic of Advanced Debugging
Alexandra Anghel
Alexandra Anghel, Bucharest, Romania
Alexandra Anghel is co-founder & CTO at – a platform for building progressive web apps. As an extension of the platform, Appticles has a WordPress plugin (WordPress Mobile Pack) that has surpassed 1M downloads. Alexandra is a full stack developer. She participated in two business accelerators – Startupbootcamp (Copenhagen / Denmark) and Prosper Women Accelerator (Saint Louis / US). At the beginning of 2017, she has joined Codette as a co-founder.
Keypoints: What is a PWA?, PWA E-commerce Showcases (ex. Alibaba), Differences between a PWA and a responsive website, Technologies used to build a PWA, Structuring a PWA with React, Retrieving data from the API and displaying it, UI/UX components, Integrate a PWA in WordPress, Adding advanced features – Web Push Notifications & Offline Mode
Presentation title:
Building an E-commerce Progressive Web App with React and WooCommerce
Alexandra Draghici
Alexandra Draghici is fromTimisoara, Romania.
Alexandra handles product development at CaptainForm, WordPress form builder launched in 2015 by 123ContactForm. Previously, she worked in project and product management at the same company and developed a deep interest in analyzing user behavior and building solutions based on her findings. The WordPress world is the closest to her heart and she is a frequent WordCamp speaker, volunteer or attendee.
Presentation title:
How to build an education website with WordPress