Meet our Last Group of #wcbuc Speakers!

spk_set4There are just over 3 weeks left until WordCamp Bucharest 2016! Please, join us in welcoming our last group of WordCamp Bucharest speakers.

We have experienced developers and WordPress & Branding Agencies business owners who will learn us useful tips about WordPress Translation, WordPress workflow process, speed improvement and managing a WordPress agency. Let’s meet them:


adipop-2016-bwAdrian Pop is an experienced computer engineer and software developer with 25+ years as entrepreneur. Also he has a huge passion for WordPress and he is volunteer in WordPress Polyglots Team working as General Translation Editor for the WordPress Romanian community. His mission at is to supervise the consistency and completion for all core translation projects, for main plugins and themes and validation for the rest of them. He likes to speak about re-birth of Romanian Localization Team, what it means to be WordPress Polyglot and what are the benefits of writing for the worldwide users. If you are willing to enroll as WordPress volunteer, or simply you love WordPress poetry, come to listen his speech: Localize is poetry.

3330746Marius Cristea works as CTO at, a local WordPress development company focusing on selling themes and plugins. In his presentation Professional tools and workflows for theme development he will speak about some useful tools for workflow process: how they generates the themes, how they use Grunt for transforming pro themes to lite themes or how they use dependencies using Composer.


pedro1Are you worried about huge spikes or downtime for your WordPress website? Pedro Dobrescu, the  CSM and co-founder of Presslabs, will come from Timisoara to talk about “Speedcraft” or making high-traffic sites fast. You may find very useful his guide for “hospitality hosting” which includes real-life samples: steps required to groom sites for traffic, manage development and deploy changes. How to do all of this without affecting performance? You have to listen Pedro to learn about his secret list of the small things that have a huge impact on performance and thus on revenue.

daliborDalibor Vasiljevic (Arad) is a brand strategist, focused on (re)building consistent and coherent brands at Rainfall, an award-winning branding agency. Rainfall has been using WordPress as its default CMS for more than 5 years, that’s why Dalibor can reveal their real experience about WordPress and help you to be more efficient, boosting work productivity and generating return of investment for your clients. In his speech, Managing a small WordPress agency, he will point out few important topics for an efficient business model: target customers and their needs, understanding competition and how the website can be integrated in the company’s business model.

We hope you share our excitement of the topics that all of our speakers are bringing to the event and can’t wait to see you there! Don’t forget to book your place – the tickets for WordCamp Bucharest are still available for sale.

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